“Silver in the Bone” is the first book in a new young adult fantasy series that takes readers on an adventure inspired by Arthurian legend. The story follows Tamsin Lark, a mortal with no magical abilities, and her cursed adopted brother, Cabell. When she discovers that a long-lost relic can break her brother’s curse, she will stop at nothing to claim it. Unfortunately, there are a lot of others who covet the artifact, among them her “rival”, Emrys.Let’s dive into the story. Alexandra Bracken takes a page out of Holly Black’s book (spoiler alert: it won’t be the first time) and weaves magic into a contemporary setting. There are sorceresses and relics and thieves, called Hollowers. But don’t worry, things get more exciting when we go to Avalon. The use of Arthurian mythology and lore adds an interesting layer of intrigue to the story. Bracken’s version of Avalon is a dark and twisted place, where zombie-like creatures roam and magic is corrupted thanks to a powerful curse. Expect lots of graphic and gory scenes, which I personally don’t mind, but don’t appreciate when it’s just for shock factor. And they are. At no point I actually feared about our protagonists because they could overcome like every battle from early on. It kinda felt like the Battle of Winterfell (especially a specific scene at the end of the book).Let’s move on to the characters. Tamsin, a snarky, cynical badass that my textbook fav type of heroine, but I didn’t care of her. Why? She lacked depth making it difficult to fully invest in her story. Full of pride and righteous indignation; no one else was as unfortunate in that guild of thieves. She doesn’t have the One Vision, which would have allowed her to “see” magic, but upon embarking on the …
Source: TBR&Beyond
Hello everyone! We are so excited to be participating in the tour for Silver in the Bone by Alexandra Bracken. About Alexandra Bracken Alexandra Bracken was born in Phoenix, Arizona. …
Blog Tours
This is Not My Home by Vivienne Chang and Eugenia Yoh TBR & Beyond Blog Tour ● Review
by Ariby AriHello everyone! We are so excited to be participating in the tour for “This is Not My Home” by Vivienne Chang and Eugenia Yoh. “This is Not My Home” by …
Blog Tours
The Stolen Heir (The Stolen Heir Duology #1) by Holly Black TBR & Beyond Blog Tour ● Book Blitz
Hello Coven!! Today we are participating in a book blitz for yet another very hyped book release: “The Stolen Heir” by Holly Black! January 3rd& She ReadsAvni ReadsBetwixt The SheetsBook …
Hello everyone! We are so excited to announce the tour schedule for “Five Survive” by Holly Jackson. I haven’t read the Good Girl’s Guide to Murder, but I fully intend …