Retellings are a weakness of mine, I own quite a few but I haven’t read as many as I would have liked. Here are five that I really enjoyed:

Pick this one up now.

Honorable Mentions | Books in a Series

Plus the series is concluded.
How about you? What’s your favorite retelling?

Girl, Serpent, Thorn and Legendborn are both on my shelves. I want to read The Forbidden Wish and Uprooted. I don’t know whats taken me so long to read Naomi Novik lol. I love A Curse So Dark and Lonely!
Both Girl, Serpent,Thorn and Legendborn were very good books!
I should finish a curse so dark and lovely one of these days!! ?
I loved Uprooted!! Have you read Spinning silver?
no I haven’t, but I know some people liked it more than uprooted ?