Silver in the Mist by Emily Victoria TBR & Beyond Blog Tour ● Review

by Ari

Silver in the Mist by Emily Victoria TBR & Beyond Blog Tour ● Review

Hello everyone! We are so excited to announce the tour schedule for Silver in the Mist by Emily Victoria.

Silver in the Mist by Emily Victoria TBR & Beyond Blog Tour ● ReviewSilver in the Mist by Emily Victoria
Published on November 1, 2022 by Harlequin
Pages: 304
Purchase Links*:
Genres: Young Adult Fiction / Action & Adventure / General, Young Adult Fiction / Fantasy / Epic, Young Adult Fiction / LGBTQ, Young Adult Fiction / Politics & Government

Eight years ago, everything changed for Devlin: Her country was attacked. Her father was killed. And her mother became the Whisperer of Aris, the head of the spies, retreating into her position away from everyone… even her daughter.

Joining the spy ranks herself, Dev sees her mother only when receiving assignments. She wants more, but she understands the peril their country, Aris, is in. The malevolent magic force of The Mists is swallowing Aris’s edges, their country is vulnerable to another attack from their wealthier neighbor, and the magic casters who protect them from both are burning out.

Dev has known strength and survival her whole life, but with a dangerous new assignment of infiltrating the royal court of their neighbor country Cerena to steal the magic they need, she learns that not all that glitters is weak. And not all stories are true.

Silver in the Mist by Emily Victoria was a fun read with solid world building. Devlin was an enjoyable character overall and if you want romance in your books you might want to pick something else up. Personally, I thought the book had a cohesion and lovely friendships but I don’t think I will return to it


October 31st
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November 1st
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November 2nd
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November 3rd
Sadie’s Spotlight – Interview
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November 5th
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November 6th
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About Emily Victoria

Emily Victoria is an aroace Canadian prairie girl who writes young adult science fiction and fantasy. When not word-smithing, she likes walking her over-excitable dog, drinking far too much tea, and crocheting things she no longer has the space to store. Her librarian degree allows her to take home far too many books.

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